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I want to highlight a few of my bucketlist items and expand on how I can achieve them.


1. Own a professional sports team by the time I am 50 years old:

There is an obviously slim chance of this item being checked, I'm not naive to that fact. Which means it is that much more important that I have a plan to acheive this goal. First, I plan to morph my disadvantage as a woman in the business--and further, sports-- world into an advantage. I think it differeitates me. So much of business is striving to stand out from the pack; this is just one way I will. I also plan to use my strengths of positivity and "winning over others" (see Strengthsquest Top 5 Strenthgs) to effectively network. Third, I plan to double major in finance to gain versatility and a deeper understanding of the worlds around me. 


Because this is such a daring dream, I must have sub-goals (or milestones) in order to achieve it. 

  • Earn a bachelor's and masters degree.
  • Gain more than one internship in the sport's world. 
  • Work my way up through effective networking and diligence. 



2. Serve in another country.

I have a passion for missionary work and seeking the lense of another culture. Most times everyday interaction is platform for forming personal relationships, however, I believe that serving in another country is an experience unlike anything else. 

Three reasons:

  • Focus. Rarely do distractions become an issue when the goal is pinpointed on providing a service to someone else.
  • Self-discovery. As much as you think someone else will learn about you, most times they will reveal yourself to you.
  • Giving. Nothing is as deeply satisying as sharing material or spiritual pieces of yourself to someone in need. 

Whether it be for a spring break trip in college or a year along the course of my life, I am committed to returning to the field of missionary work. Because I am incappable of administering any sort of medical help (to myself, nonetheless someone else), I appreciate the ability to share my faith withe someone else through the missionary avenue.





3. Be a fan at one championship game of every major professional sport.

This is one of my favorite bucketlist items. Nothing compares to the excitement of rooting for a team capializing on the peak accomplishment in their arena. It is an incomparable sensation in the human experience. The game plan: Use my connections in the sports world to get into the major events, plain and simple. Otherwise, I might end up broke, not able to check any more items off the bucketlist. 




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4. I am striving to earn above a 3.5 in my first semester at TCU.


  •  Learn the best way I study.
  •  Take a speed-reading course.
  •  Study at least 3 days ahead of any test.
  •  Do homework directly following class.
  •  Go into office hours for the big projects AND the small points.
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5. Earn above a 3.66 my first semester frehsman year.

Along with the goal above, earning above a 3.5 GPA is the minimum requirement to be accepted into the Neeley Fellows Business Program at TCU.

While this GPA is cumulative, I must earn at least a 3.66 in order to have solid standing to be a contender for the Neeley Fellow Program. I must have other understood involvment to be a plausible contender. So I will be active in:

  • Frog Aides
  • Kappa Alpha Theta
  • On-Campus Job
  • Entrepreneurship Club
  • Sports Net

I will also apply for:

  • Neeley Fellows
  • Frog Aides Executive Team
  • Frog Camp Facilitator
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