DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Christopher Harms
2901 Stadium Dr. / TCU Box 290676 / Fort Worth, TX, 76129
(505) 205-8393  |   c.j.harms@tcu.edu



B.S. in Physics and Mathematics, Texas Christian University, anticipated May 2016.


Honors and Activities

United States Department of Education Presidential Scholars Semifinalist

National Merit Finalist
Recipient of a National Merit Lockheed Martin Academic Scholarship
AP National Scholar
Texas Christian University Chancellor's Scholar
TCU Dean's List, Fall 2012 - Present
TCU John V. Roach Honors College Community Regent, Spring 2013-Present
2012 U.S. Army All-American
Albuquerque Public Schools Education Foundation Selfless Senior

Related Coursework



Statistics (In Progress)

Probability and Statistics

Ordinary Differential Equations

Linear Algebra
Calculus III
Calculus II

Calculus I

Discrete Math I (In Progress)



Electricity and Magnetism

Physics III (Modern Physics)

Modern Physics Lab (In Progress)

Physics II (Calculus-based)

Physics I (Calculus-based)



Digital Identity and Digital Storytelling (Honors Colloquia)

Advanced Placement Computer Science A

Introduction to Engineering


Computer Skills

Microsoft Office Suite

OpenOffice Suite


DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.