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Enrolling in a Course

There are a few ways to link your ePortfolio to a specific class. The first way is to enroll in the course yourself on your homepage.

On your Digication homepage under the 'My Courses' tab, you can search for and add yourself to classes.



However, not all classes can be found this way. In some cases, your teacher may have to add you to the class themselves, or they may want you to tag your ePortfolio.


To add a tag, choose the pages or pages you want to tag in your ePortfolio and scroll to the bottom. Under the 'Leave Feedback' section at the bottom of the page, add whatever keywords are included in the tag, such as 'JOUR 30803' and click the 'Tag this page' button. The tag will be added to that page, and clicking on it will take you to the directory and show you all the other ePortfolios using that tag.



Adding tags to your ePortfolio groups it with other ePortfolios in TCU's directory using the same tag. Some classes use tags to group ePortfolios together rather than using an actual course because tags allow you to mark specific parts of your ePortfolio, so you don't have to create a completely new ePortfolio for the class.

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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.