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Great Use of Sections


About Me


If you want to see what a solid "About Me" section looks like, check out Allie Strehle's FrogFolio. She keeps her introduction short and simple, which encourages readers to explore more of her FrogFolio. She also includes multiple pages that reveal more about her personality and the things that she values.










As a recent grad, Anna's FrogFolio is focused on both her past and her future. On her home page, she briefly describes her college career, and what her goals are now that she has left TCU. She also leaves room to state her personal mission and life vision, which together tell her audience a great deal about her values and her ambitions.










Personal Learning Goals


This section allows students to introduce others to their learning goals. Here students can detail what they hope to accomplish in their classes and extracurriculars and how they plan to reach those goals. Brian's learning goals are divided by theme so that he can specifically describe how he is hoping to grow as a person through his goals.





TCU Mission & Me


Formerly know as 'Habits of Mind' or 'TCU Learning Goals', this is a section many students struggle with, because they aren't exactly sure how they are living out the TCU mission statement. However, Christopher does a great job of connecting the things he does every day to the 4 parts of the mission statement, and reflecting upon his career as a TCU student.






Additional Sections


While the basic template has many useful sections, your FrogFolio should reflect who you are. Brooke's FrogFolio has many additional sections that she has added over what is important to her in FrogFolio. Check out her FrogFolio for some inspiration to make your FrogFolio uniquely your own.





Sarah's FrogFolio
is another that does a great job of adding in new sections that allow her audience to learn more about her. Her section on music highlights her personal interests and also talks about how she used that interest while applying to TCU!







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