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Team FrogFolio                                                                   November 2015


Five Helpful Tips for Getting the Most from Your FrogFolio this Fall!


Here we've collected a few key topics we'd like to share with FrogFolio users.



1. Yes, You Can Change Your Background/Header


Two of the most common questions we receive from students are how to edit the background and header of their FrogFolio. We have a background and a header tutorial along with photo editing resources available on the Metafolio (our one and only FrogFolio about FrogFolios), and a video tutorial on YouTube to help you as you begin customizing.




2. Still Confused by the Template?


The standard FrogFolio template comes with a basic layout already set up for you, but not everyone knows what to do with the sections they have (or if they even need them at all). While you can always add or change the sections you have on your FrogFolio, we have a whole article dedicated to describing the purpose of each section in the template and the things you can do with them. Or, feel free to go out on your own and trailblaze with new sections you want to create!





3. "What Do I Even Write About?"


It's always a challenge to start writing for your FrogFolio when you don’t have a topic to write about. What exactly are you supposed to say about your learning experiences or your goals? Since it is your FrogFolio, you are free to write whatever you want, but there are a few things we think you should try to talk about. So, to help you out, we have gathered a number of reflective writing prompts that can give you a starting point as you add content to your FrogFolio.






4. The Organize Tool: Learn It, Live It, Love It


It can be a pain to deal with Digication's module system. Swapping modules, attempting to duplicate them, and moving them around can be time consuming and frustrating in many cases. However, there is an easier way to reorganize your FrogFolio using a little known tool that we've featured in this tutorial.





5. The World is Just a Click Away


You may have noticed hyperlinks in other FrogFolios or scattered throughout our Metafolio. If you've always wanted to include them, but have never been sure how to create one, watch our tutorial video that explains the process.

(PS: A "hyperlink" is when you hide the link inside clickable words like the words "tutorial video" above.)

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