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The 'Show Advanced' Option


Another valuable tool you can use when reorganizing your FrogFolio is the 'Show Advanced' option, accessible through the 'Add/Edit' tab. 


This allows you to 

  1. Make a heading
  2. Make collapsible tabs
  3. Hide a page

Just follow the instructions below to get started!

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

1. In the section you would like to edit, click the 'Add/Edit' button. If you have added new pages in the past, you should already be familiar with this button.


2. To alter a specific page, click on the little button to the side that looks like a pencil scribbling on a piece of paper.   


3. Here you will find the 'Show Advanced' button.


4. Depending on what you need, click 'Hide', 'Collapse' or 'Heading' before clicking 'Save'. And voila, you're done! A brief description of each option can be found below.


1. Hide: This option allows you to work on a page, save it, and publish it without it being seen. You'll know if it has worked if the page is italicized, underlined, and faded.  If you like working directly on your FrogFolio, this is a great option for you! To make the page public, all you have to do is follow the instructions above and un-check the box. 


2. Collapse: This is really great for organizing your FrogFolio when you have several related pages that belong to one overarching topic. You may have seen this on other FrogFolios under the TCU Learning Experiences section. That's because this makes it easy to organize classes into years, semesters, even major, minor, and core! Click here to see this option in action.


3. Heading: This is also a very popular tool for the TCU Learning Experiences section, because it pairs easily with the collapse text option. Headings, which are bolded, make it so that a page cannot be clicked on. 



DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.